Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Tim Burton Original

The Nightmare Before Christmas should be a Tim Burton movie because he created the initial idea. A lot of extra work goes into the film which Burton isn’t involved in, but still the characters and story all revolve around Burton’s original idea. Most films are not entirely created by one person. The characters used in the film are Burton’s drawings, so not a lot changes from Tim Burton’s idea. Only detail is added to Burtons story.  

When Batman was redone and turned into Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and The Dark Knight Rises by Christopher Nolan, the idea was taken from someone else, but the characters morphed to become more modern and advanced. Batman was taken from a comic and movie, and it was turned into a film by Nolan. He added so much more extent to the Batman idea while keeping the Batman persona.

Yes, the directors added more to Tim Burtons The Nightmare Before Christmas idea, but the main idea, and drawings were still existent. Whereas in Batman the main idea still exists but Christopher Nolan takes Batman to an entire new level.

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