Monday, October 29, 2012

Pleasing Others

In the film Edward Scissorhands, Edward creates beautiful works of art with his scissor like hands. Alike with many artists, Edward is very different from society’s norm. The film expresses the opinion that artists are meant to create for society’s popular enjoyment, and they are not meant to be normal and intermixed in society. The viewer see’s this opinion when Edward attempts to fit in to society. Edward has lived in isolation for what appears to be a long time. He faces social issues, and judgment of his grotesque appearance. Edward causes more trouble than good while he lives in with society, and he is not able to adjust. Edward did not cause trouble in isolation. It appears Edward feels most comfortable in isolation when he cannot cause harm. He seems to be happy knowing he is pleasing someone with his work. The movie suggests Edward is meant to be alone like many artists.  Because an artist is not normal, they are better off alone. Artists benefit from society’s resources, and society benefits from the artist’s work. An artist’s ultimate goal is to create arousal visually or mentally. Edward was able to please society with the snow that followed his ice sculptures.

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