Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Success as a Magician

Obsessed is how I describe Angiers and Borden in The Prestige. Ultimately Angiers and Borden risk humanity to succeed as magicians. Angiers clones himself during every transported man act and then one of the doubles is killed. Whether Angiers kills his original or the clone, he is killing a person for a magic act. I find Angiers act cruel and wrong. One should not have to kill a person within every night to succeed as a magician. Angiers success as a magician does not outweigh the negative result.


Alfred Borden ends up killing his brother to succeed with his transported man act. Throughout Freddy and Alfred's life they switch roles in order to keep their magic act a secret. The men put their magic first without considering how this will affect their family. This is obsession. Borden becomes so obsessed with his magic act he loses sight of everything else. Alfred’s wife kills herself and still Borden’s acts continue. Someone who is sane would stop doing magic if their wife committed suicide as a result.  The only good that came from Borden and Angiers act was success in their career but it is likely both men are mentally unstable as a result.

1 comment:

  1. Fine argumentation.

    As to the English, see the previous notes.
