Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Family First

In the film High Noon, Kane was left alone to battle Frank Miller and his crew. Kane felt he was doing the town a privilege by fighting the men but many others did not agree. Frank Miller was bad news and many people did remember his wrongful acts.  Some townspeople believed if Kane left the town then no trouble would arise. Some people also thought fighting Frank Miller and his men would cause a negative reputation on the town which would lead to bad trade and tourism. No one stood up to help Kane fight. Even though Kane had personal issues with Miller he believed the town was not safe with him in it. I understand why Herb did not join to fight with Kane- he knew that it would be very difficult with only two people against the three outlawed men. Herb did not want to be killed because he had a family which he cared a lot about. Family comes first. Herb's argument is the only one I agree with. The townspeople should have stood up and defended their town in a time of need but many were selfish. I’m sure there were many single men in the town that could have helped Kane out. Even though Kane fought alone he defeated Frank Miller and his men. The town was thankfully safe again because of Kane.

1 comment:

  1. This is a good summary of what was going on, but it sounds a little stilted. Maybe it's too many English classes, but you can loosen up a little on your blog, as long as you still follow all the basic rules of English.

    Take this:

    "Kane felt he was doing the town a privilege by fighting the men but many others did not agree. Frank Miller was bad news and many people did remember his wrongful acts."

    No contractions and a phrase you would probably never say out loud - "wrongful acts."

    Try it like this:

    "Kane felt he was doing the town a favor by fighting the men, but many others didn't agree, even though they remembered all of the bad things Frank Miller did."

    Relax your formal standard English and work to create natural sentences that flow together.
