Thursday, December 6, 2012

Your Background

After watching the film Persepolis I've learned a lot about Muslim and Iranian culture. Before watching the film I did not see Muslim and Iranian culture relating to the culture of Americans, but now I see that Iranians can be just like Americans but with much different beliefs. Iranians are Muslim which believe in Alah or God, like many Americans believe in Jesus or God. I also learned that not all Muslims believe in having multiple wifes in heaven. Before watching the movie I saw Iranian people like the Iranian goverment, which is completely incorrect.

Another movie like Persepolis is Sugar Cane Alley. Sugar Cane Alley was not one of my favorite films because the film was not in English. So you had to pay attention to every subtitle. It is hard to see the emotion of a person when the language is foreign to you. The movie did not emotionally appeal to me. The overall message to me was that one cannot complely rid their original culture from their current or future life. Also another theme I saw was that one should be proud of their background, your background does not always deem who you are as a person. These themes I also saw in Persepolis.

Persepolis and Sugar Cane Alley were a lot alike because they both had a historical background behind their story. The themes were very similar as well. I was shocked to have enjoyed Persepolis so much, usually I do not like animated films. Overall I enjoyed Persepolis more because I was more foreign of Muslim background before the movie rather than African American background.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work. I can't believe you don't like animated films. What is it about them you don't like?
