Monday, September 3, 2012

The Dark Knight's Star

In the film The Dark Night Batman may be the hero, but the Joker plays the star role. The Joker runs the show in the movie, all of the events that occur are centered around the Joker and his plot to show evil in even the best of all people. Even in the advertisements which are attached the Joker was shown as a more superior character but the Joker was always shown as twisted. In many scenes in the movie The Joker is seen at a dutch angle.The Joker tries to bring down the films hero's to his level and he succeeds. The best of Harvey Dent was lost when the Joker killed Rachel. Batman almost fell for the Jokers games inside of the Gotham jail, this scene is at a dutch angle to point out what Gotham has become. Batman had the choice to kill the Joker. If Batman would have killed the Joker, then the Joker would have got what he wanted by showing the evil in Gotham's heroes. The low key lighting used many times in the movie creates suspicion and suspense in the movie. In the end of the movie Batman had to run away, the Joker had finally set Batman up to look as if he was evil, Batman killed Harvey but only to hide the character Harvey had become. Batman let himself look like the villain in this situation, he knew that was the only way to give the people of Gotham hope.

Attached are the links for the poster advertisements


  1. I disagree, i think the star of the movie is still batman, but yes, the joker does play, probably, the most important role because i think he represents the fact that Batman is losing control of gotham. Really the movie is about Batman's struggle with control over the city and his struggle within himself on wheter or not batman is doing good or not.

  2. So was the joker still the star after batman didn't do what he wanted? The batman spared the joker so he wouldn't win. Does that make him the star?

  3. Zach: I never thought of it from that angle.

  4. Notes on content: In the end of the post, the focus strays away from The Joker.

    Notes on structure: Hyperlink the movie posters in the text, and watch the commas (or lack of them) when making compound sentences.

    "The Joker runs the show in the movie, all of the events that occur are centered around the Joker and his plot to show evil in even the best of all people." - This is a comma splice. Put a semi-colon where the comma is.

    "The Joker tries to bring down the films hero's to his level and he succeeds." - Put a comma after level (where a period could have gone).
