Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Singin' In The Rain

Singin' In The Rain is classified as a film because of its camera artistry and hidden history. Behind the script of the film is history about film production. Whereas High School Musical lacks an underlying meaning. High School Musical is only a story for entertainment. Another difference in the two are the camera shots. The camerawork in Singin' In The Rain is very smooth and artistic. Many times the change in shot seems suttle, even when the shot change may be completely different. In the High School Musical clip, the camera shots are very sudden and drastic, in no way do you feel a part of the musical. When watching Signin' In the Rain the camera angles make it seem like you could be a part of the musical. The camera shots and history make Singin' In the Rain artistic, which is a main reason it is classified as a film and High School Musical is not.


  1. Before the discussion in class, did you think the movie was still a film? I thought it was more of a movie until Mr. Boyer explained the depth of it.

  2. No I did not, the movie seemed more like entertainment. I did not realize the history behind the story until Mr. Boyer explained it.

  3. The analysis is good, but it would be even better by name-checking the types of shots and camera movement the filmmakers used.

    Watch out for sentences that aren't (third "sentence" is a phrase) and misspellings ("suttle" for "subtle").
