Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Catherine is not crazy in the film Proof. She believes she is becoming crazy but it is only a fixation of her imagination and depression. Catherine becomes so used to being around her father who is mentally unstable which causes her to believe she is like him. In some ways Catherine and her Father are alike, they are both incredibly smart, and enjoy math. Hal and Catherine are also alike in their enjoyment with math.

Hal meets Catherine through her father and continues to stick around after his death. He sticks around to uncover Roberts lost work, but Hal also builds a relationship with Catherine. Hal is not only in the relationship to find fame in Roberts work but also because he truly cares about Catherine, he knows Catherine is not crazy. Robert does not know Catherines mathematic capabilities.

When Hal discovers "Catherines proof" he and Claire have trouble believing her. Hal may know a lot about her personality, but not a lot about her mathematic capabilities. Catherine is underestimated by many people including Hal and Claire. Catherine may not have enheritied craziness from her father, but being a math genius runs in her family. She has spent countless hours working with her father and learning through math books which Hal and Claire do not realize.

Claire cares a lot about her sister Catherine but the two sisters are not a like. Claire does not understand Catherine or Robert because her personality is not anywhere near the same. It is hard for Claire to grasp her sisters life and personality so Claire attempts to mend what problems she believes exist. Claire has a controlling personality but her ententions to care for her sister are good. She may come off as unpleasant, but she has a different personality type than her family.

Catherines erratic behavior originates from her fathers behavior which she is used to and also depression. Catherine becomes consumed in the idea she is crazy which causes erratic behavior. Her unstable behavior also comes from the fact that she is not happy with her life, she worries about her future.

Singin' In The Rain

Singin' In The Rain is classified as a film because of its camera artistry and hidden history. Behind the script of the film is history about film production. Whereas High School Musical lacks an underlying meaning. High School Musical is only a story for entertainment. Another difference in the two are the camera shots. The camerawork in Singin' In The Rain is very smooth and artistic. Many times the change in shot seems suttle, even when the shot change may be completely different. In the High School Musical clip, the camera shots are very sudden and drastic, in no way do you feel a part of the musical. When watching Signin' In the Rain the camera angles make it seem like you could be a part of the musical. The camera shots and history make Singin' In the Rain artistic, which is a main reason it is classified as a film and High School Musical is not.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Dark Knight's Star

In the film The Dark Night Batman may be the hero, but the Joker plays the star role. The Joker runs the show in the movie, all of the events that occur are centered around the Joker and his plot to show evil in even the best of all people. Even in the advertisements which are attached the Joker was shown as a more superior character but the Joker was always shown as twisted. In many scenes in the movie The Joker is seen at a dutch angle.The Joker tries to bring down the films hero's to his level and he succeeds. The best of Harvey Dent was lost when the Joker killed Rachel. Batman almost fell for the Jokers games inside of the Gotham jail, this scene is at a dutch angle to point out what Gotham has become. Batman had the choice to kill the Joker. If Batman would have killed the Joker, then the Joker would have got what he wanted by showing the evil in Gotham's heroes. The low key lighting used many times in the movie creates suspicion and suspense in the movie. In the end of the movie Batman had to run away, the Joker had finally set Batman up to look as if he was evil, Batman killed Harvey but only to hide the character Harvey had become. Batman let himself look like the villain in this situation, he knew that was the only way to give the people of Gotham hope.

Attached are the links for the poster advertisements
Joker: http://www.moviegoods.com/Assets/product_images/1010/412103.1010.A.jpg
Batman: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://paulmmartinblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/the_dark_knight_poster.jpg&imgrefurl=http://paulmmartinblog.wordpress.com/2011/07/12/the-dark-knight-rises-teaser-poster/&h=1280&w=864&sz=177&tbnid=8P3GGAD81

Sorcerers Apprentice

Sorcerers Apprentice watched in class was a short movie not a film. It may have had a lot of hidden elements and irony inside the story, but the plot was not full. There was no resolution to the story besides all of the characters being dead. The short movie did not have a message or meaning behind the story. The movie did not take work to understand the plot, it was pure entertainment.